How it all started – Part 1

It all started in school. Huh? What? Not, it’s not what you may be thinking right now, I wasn’t drinking in school. It was Ireland-theme time in our English class and one day our teacher came up with a recipe for Irish Coffee. I had just celebrated my 18th birthday by that time and really wanted to try what sounded like a great mixture of coffee (yum… coffee!), Irish Whiskey and unrefined cane sugar. So I set out to buy some whiskey, which wasn’t easy in the small town where I went to school. In the end I managed to score a bottle – proudly flashing my ID stating I was indeed of age. A very strange, yet proud feeling of finally being a grown-up. Funny feeling it was indeed. Continue reading “How it all started – Part 1”

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(Yet another) Whisky Blog


Welcome to my whisky blog, malt lovers around the world! Come on in, have a look around, pour a dram and enjoy.

Being a whisky lover for about 10 years now and having tasted many a dram since I started out I felt the urge of having a small place on my own in the vast space of the internet to write about the fine malts of this world and, especially, Scotland.

What will you find?

First and foremost I will be publishing my tasting notes. I always keep about 20 bottles open and open a new one when I’ve finished another. Continue reading “(Yet another) Whisky Blog”

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