Tasting: Mackmyra Midnattssol NAS

Mackmyra Midnattssol

Mackmyra MidnattssolDram data:
Distillery: Mackmyra
Bottler: Original Bottling
Distilled: –
Bottled: 2014
Age: NAS
Limitation: –
Cask: Birch sap wine cask finish
Alcohol: 46,1%
unchillfiltered; natural colour
Whiskybase link

Tasting notes:
dark gold
It’s apparent from the first nose that this is not you usual malt whisky. Does it nose like whisky? I’m not entirely sure, but it is intriguing! Sweet and herbal treesap, freshly rubbed birch leaves on syrup with a bit of vanilla mixed in, dried oranges, orange oil, ripe banana, mango skin and a (pleasant!) note of herbal cough syrup prepared with Demerara sugar. Continue reading “Tasting: Mackmyra Midnattssol NAS”

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